Oh Crumbs Chief

Monday, August 14, 2006

i'm bored and just not ready to write about my trip yet...

Ooooh - I also wanted to do this. I stole it from Stu: http://stunewsandphotos.blogspot.com/

Five Weird Things About Myself

1. When I pack up stuffed animals for moving purposes, I poke holes in the boxes so they can breathe.
2. I can do the worm. lol - no, not right now.
3. When I was young, I ate sugar cubes and brown sugar as snacks. My poor parents!
4. I don't eat cute animals - i.e. deer, baby cow, rabbit... etc.
5. I really like to peel things - like paint, wallpaper, those sticky globules they put on advertisements in magazines...


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Stu said...

To this day, I believe that all objects have souls. To that end, I do now what I did when I was a youth. When I straighten a bed that is the habitat for stuffies, I make sure that they are comfortable.


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