Oh Crumbs Chief

Friday, July 21, 2006

As if morning sickness wasn't enough, they have to mess with my math as well!

This week is ending pretty much the way it started off, with me hunched over the toilet and never wanting to move from the cold tile floor. I have discovered that McDonald's is a cure-all for first trimester symptoms, but I don't want to have it twice in one week.

We booked our trip to Munich last night; I'm slightly worried about air travel since I have motion sickness, pregnant or not, but the doctor said I could take Dramamine. We'll see...

I'm very excited about the trip otherwise, though - there are a couple of toy museums in Munich, Zurich and Innsbruck (some of the places we might make it too). And we also get to go see Schloss Neuschwanstein, the castle Walt Disney used as the model for the Cinderella castle in Disney World.

At the least the flight out is an overnight one so I can sleep the whole time!

What I really wanted to write about today was the way they* "count" pregnancy. I'm fine with it going by weeks, it feeds my impatience better than months would anyway! What they don't tell you until you're in the doctor's office trying not to jump off the table and hug everyone in sight is that it lasts TEN months - not nine. Also not a big deal since pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last missed period - here's where it gets not as confusing as I thought, because when I actually thought about it, it made sense. So, if they count from that date, let's just say the first day of your last cycle was June 11th. So, from June 11th-June18th would be week one, right? Wrong! It's actually week ZERO, because the weeks aren't counted until they END! So, if you're trying to mark things down by weeks, they always start with week one - but really, that's when you had your period and it is actually week zero. Phew - glad I got that all figured out! Why don't they just tell you to start counting the week after your last cycle?

*It can be noted that I use the term "they" quite freely. It can't be helped, as I must have someone/thing to blame for all inadequacies, and as one cannot know everything, sometimes I let being proactive and investigating things** fall to the wayside.

**I also use "thing" or "things" a lot when I don't know or forget what I'm talking about.

Respectfully Yours,
Danger Mouse


At 1:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember thinking that I was going to be pregnant FOREVER...

I didn't get morning sickness - I had evening sickness! I lived off of bland food for three months, but totally made up for it in my second trimester!

Have fun on the trip - you know you are now obligated to blog about it!

T. :)

At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: Finally got you blogrolled tonight!

Hope you are doing OK! :)


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